Christopher Tyner is a long-time Game Master with 30+ years under his belt running long campaigns in games such as the Marvel Superheroes RPG, Vampire the Masquerade, Savage Worlds, and a host of others. He is an actor and director and brings his love of performance to the table in all of the games that he runs.
S3E115 · · 01:51:56
Like what you're hearing? Support us on Patreon! Crew finally gets a face-to-face with Charlotte after a lengthy battle with the Chupaca...
S3E114 · · 01:58:06
The Orphans edge closer to a solution to the virus affecting the Skrull Kill Krew and make a plan to capture a victim of the Carrion Virus in an effort to kill two birds with one sto...
S3E113 · · 02:17:06
The Crew is closing in on their face to face with Charlotte. While the Babysitter and the Nail lick their wounds from their run-in with the Chupacabras, the others accompany Gael to ...
S3E112 · · 01:39:34
The Protectors find themselves trapped in a decrepit old home facing off with The Hound - a bloodsucking vampire - in the heart of Bella Vista. But something else lurks within these ...
S3E111 · · 01:40:16
Accompanied by Luis Castel and his driver Gael, The Crew begin what they hope is the final leg of their journey to finally see Charlotte face-to-face. What starts as a quiet drive th...
S3E110 · · 01:44:45
The Protectors begin their siege on Bella Vista to rescue the remaining survivors from their vampire overlords. With a plan of attack in place, the Protectors head out at dawn and on...
S3E109 · · 02:04:38
The Crew awakens to find two of their members M.I.A. and there can be only one culprit in the small town of El Coyote. Their search for their teammates leads them to the Rodeo de la ...
S3E108 · · 02:10:45
The Protectors head to Crystal Cove to scout out the Bella Vista Estate that stands as a haven for a band of vampires using humans as cattle. But the Crystal Cove houses secrets of i...
S3E107 · · 01:57:40
The Orphans are caught in a small Mexican town during a rescue operation, surrounded by Carrion zombie-like creatures. Their escape lies mere yards away as they battle through zombie...
S3E106 · · 01:57:33
The horrific tall tale of the Ozarks, Old Raw Head and Bloody Bones rears its ugly head, endangering the supply run in Indian Point. With refugees from the Bella Vista Vampire Haven ...
S3E105 · · 02:01:28
The Protectors of Silver Dollar City find themselves on a side mission down on the Fungal Zone at Indian Point. A group of survivors are trapped beneath a giant Rotspore Devourer and...
S3E104 · · 02:24:37
The Orphans head down to the Yucatan Peninsula to visit an old pal of Tony Stark - a fellow by the name of Bruce Banner. Their mission has a dual purpose: to make good on the promise...
S3E103 · · 01:33:55
The Babysitter's allegiance is called into question and things get heated between the members of the Crew. Agent Sands recounts a tale of revenge and sends the crew off to meet the s...
S3E102 · · 02:17:32
The Crew are now hot on the trail of Charlotte and cross the border into Mexico in their search for the missing teen. Their pursuit leads them to El Pasaje Secreto - a fine eating es...
S3E101 · · 02:00:54
After replenishing the water supply in Silver Dollar City, the Protectors pack up the pickup truck and head down to the Indian Point Fungal Zone in the dead of night to pick up salt ...
S3E100 · · 02:25:08
The Orphans' base of operations is complete! But before they can really get a chance to enjoy it, they get a visit from Matt Murdock who is there to have the dreaded discussion surro...
S3E99 · · 02:20:55
The Crew meets with the enigmatic and mysterious Code Warrior to find out more about Anthony Christiano - the last person seen with Charlotte. They get a history lesson on the entire...
S3E98 · · 01:43:15
The Protectors of Silver Dollar City continue their mission to replenish the water supply for the community, picking up the pieces after an intense battle with a pack of mercenaries....
S3E97 · · 02:47:25
Abaddon's Descent: An Ozark Requiem is set in a post-apocalyptic world enslaved by demonic forces. Mankind is engaged in a never-ending battle against a tide of darkness that hungers...
S3E96 · · 02:35:52
The Orphans catch some breakfast and try to get to know the new enigmatic young man that has been dropped on their doorstep known as Arevus. After a heated discussion over some hot c...
S3E95 · · 01:33:04
In the immediate aftermath of The Massacre at the Black Hole Bar and Grill, The Crew discovers the identity of the last person seen with Charlotte and the answer just raises more que...
S3E94 · · 02:43:11
It's the final chapter of In the Shadow of Evil and the fate of two worlds hang in the balance. The Deadite forces spewed forth from the Necronomicon have overrun the mythic city of ...
S3E93 · · 02:22:11
In the aftermath of the Orphans' rescue of the captive Skrulls held at Project Pegasus by the enigmatic Secret Empire, they return to New York with heavy hearts as Colin must come to...
S3E92 · · 02:21:19
The Crew travel to The Black Hole Bar and Grill to meet with Moriz The Black Russian to inquire about the whereabouts of the missing Charlotte. Upon their arrival, however, they disc...
S3E91 · · 02:18:38
With the guidance of the Skrull spy Criti Noll, The Orphans come up with a plan to infiltrate the old Project Pegasus site to rescue Spider-Wasp's grandparents and other Skrull priso...
S3E90 · · 02:00:03
The Orphans continue their exploration of the AIM facility and come face to face with Darrin Cross - Anty Man's first adversary, the Yellowjacket! Desperate to find Spider-Wasp's gra...
S3E89 · · 01:48:58
The Orphans infiltrate the AIM Lab in San Fransico in search of Colin's grandparents and come face to face with Moonstone and The Griffin, along with an array of other super-powered ...
S3E88 · · 02:30:07
Our heroes have been called to the majestic city of Kamar Taj, at the feet of the Sorcerer Supreme - The Ancient One himself! Their mission to intercept The Necronomicon has intersec...
S3E87 · · 02:25:11
The heroes travel across the globe in their search for the Necronomicon Ex Mortis - last seen on the Island of Madripoor. With a quick trip to the infamous Princess Bar, the team mee...
S3E86 · · 02:05:35
The Crew checks in with Beau Brownstone on their progress in the search for Charlotte and visits The Iron Curtain Boxing Club, meeting one of The Hammer's main rivals, Boris Sokolov....