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WOT03 Whispers of Time - The Hidden Tombs - Episode 3 S3E130

WOT03 Whispers of Time - The Hidden Tombs - Episode 3

· 02:41:04

Our new band of allies begin their quest to find the Luminous Lexicon, the book stolen from the Borgia by Leonora Grey's clan. Returning to the spot where it was hidden for safekeeping, the party discovers that the Borgia may be in league with an ancient sect of holy warriors, and find themselves ensconced in a deadly confrontation in the depths of an ancient and forgotten Roman tomb.

An Everyday Heroes crossover campaign featuring characters inspired by Highlander, The Crow and Assassin's Creed.

Like what you see? Support us on Patreon at https://patreon.com/DreamslayerStudios

Introduction Music: The Gatekeepes by Shane Ivers - https://www.silvermansound.com

Powered by Syrinscape in association with Evil Genius Games https://evilgeniusgames.com/
Sound & music by Syrinscape https://www.syrinscape.com

The following Syrinscape tracks were used in this adventure:

Additional music by Monument Studios.

Visit Dreamslayer Studios online at https://dreamslayerstudios.renderforestsites.com/

For more Everyday Heroes action check out our other campaigns:
Get Charlotte - set in the worlds of Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez

Ozark Requiem: Abaddon's Descent - A Requiem Horror campaign
Thanks to our monthly supporters
  • Adam Collins
  • Staci Teter
  • Artalis
  • Jonathan Morton
  • Oraxsis
  • Laura Shepherd
  • Clint Byrd
  • Michael Brightbill

Creators and Guests

Christopher Patrick Tyner
Christopher Patrick Tyner
Christopher Tyner is a long-time Game Master with 30+ years under his belt running long campaigns in games such as the Marvel Superheroes RPG, Vampire the Masquerade, Savage Worlds, and a host of others. He is an actor and director and brings his love of performance to the table in all of the games that he runs.


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