
Dreamslayer Studios focuses on a group of gamers and thespians who all hail from the same hometown of Evansville, Indiana, and who have at one time or another had the experience of playing live and in person with one another or performed on stage with one another over the years. Game Master, Christopher Tyner, the common denominator in most of these instances, has been a GM for more than 35 years and a director of the stage for over a quarter of a century.

The game that got most of our core group playing was the original Marvel TSR RPG, and it remains one of our favorites to this day - you'll see us returning to this one off and on as the sessions go by.

We will also be exploring new independent games such as The Great American Novel, Fiasco, and Tales From the Loop to name a few, as well as other more mainstream games such as The World of Darkness series, Savage Worlds, and Legend of the Five Rings.

What you will likely not see is Dungeons and Dragons as the podcast market is already oversaturated with stories set in this universe.

But then again... never say never.

Thanks for joining us and be sure to check out our videos on Youtube!