ITMOM23 - In the Mouth of Madness - Episode 23 - Indiana Jones and the Goddard Coin
The Reclaimers return to the United States in search of the Goddard Coin and stumble across the kidnapping of a well-known archaeologist by a gang of thugs in possession of Asgardian weaponry. Who are the Wrecking Crew and what do they want with the Goddard Coin?
Our original band of WWII Superheroes come together once more to combat the forces of the Axis Powers in part two of our In the Shadow of Evil campaign entitled In the Mouth of Madness.
Christopher Tyner is a long-time Game Master with 30+ years under his belt running long campaigns in games such as the Marvel Superheroes RPG, Vampire the Masquerade, Savage Worlds, and a host of others. He is an actor and director and brings his love of performance to the table in all of the games that he runs.
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