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ITMOM20 - In the Mouth of Madness - Episode 20 - The Hounds of Winter S3E161

ITMOM20 - In the Mouth of Madness - Episode 20 - The Hounds of Winter

· 02:29:41

The Reclaimers find themselves at the doorstep of an old Hermit whom they believe has the final piece of the Russian Tooth Wheel in his possession. Somewhere in the woods, an unholy howl breaks through the winter silence, and the Hounds of Winter descend upon our heroes.

Please Note: Our last session experienced technical difficulties, and we chose not to post it due to the sound issues that we were having. Thus, the slight hiccup in the story - don't worry - we cover it in the recap!

Our original band of WWII Superheroes come together once more to combat the forces of the Axis Powers in part two of our In the Shadow of Evil campaign entitled In the Mouth of Madness.

Featuring players from Startplaying.games

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A Marvel Superheroes FASERIP RPG Actual Play

Additional Music from this episode may come from the following sources: 
Monument Studios, Tabletop Audio and Darren Curtis.
Thanks to our monthly supporters
  • Adam Collins
  • Staci Teter
  • Artalis
  • Jonathan Morton
  • Oraxsis
  • Laura Shepherd
  • Clint Byrd
  • Michael Brightbill

Creators and Guests

Christopher Patrick Tyner
Christopher Patrick Tyner
Christopher Tyner is a long-time Game Master with 30+ years under his belt running long campaigns in games such as the Marvel Superheroes RPG, Vampire the Masquerade, Savage Worlds, and a host of others. He is an actor and director and brings his love of performance to the table in all of the games that he runs.


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