In the aftermath of the near disastrous events in Kamar Taj, our band of heroes make their way to another secret city on the other side of the planet - the hidden African city of Wakanda. A meeting of the minds is already underway with King Azzuri, Namor the Sub-mariner, and Howard Stark over the mysterious Dropa Stones as Spartan reunites with her family. Little do they know, however, something strange lurks beneath the surface of Wakanda, and it's not Vibranium.
Our original band of WWII Superheroes come together once more to combat the forces of the Axis Powers in part two of our In the Shadow of Evil campaign entitled In the Mouth of Madness.
Featuring players from
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A Marvel Superheroes FASERIP RPG Actual Play
Music and SFX in this episode provided by Syrinscape
Additional Music from this episode may come from the following sources:
Tabletop Audio and Monument Studios
Thanks to our monthly supporters
- Shawn Pearce (FluffyAlpacaGM)
- Staci Teter
- Artalis
- Jonathan Morton
- Oraxsis
- Laura Shepherd
- Clint Byrd
- Michael Brightbill